Unfortunately, I didn’t actually get to celebrate Holi when I was in India, but Team Awaken celebrated 4 months of being the most fun co-ed team by having our own holi powder fight in the backyard of a Catholic nunnery in Hyderabad. Shoutout to Zach Murphy for capturing the whole thing on film and in pictures! I laugh every time I look at these pictures because after turning ourselves into human-shaped rainbows, we were informed by the head nun that the nunnery was out of water…so we dined in colorful style that night! Such fun memories in the land of color.
As I reflect on the time I spent in India and the wonderful people that I met, my heart breaks as I realize that for them this is a spiritual celebration that reflects their belief in literally millions of gods. A belief that makes it difficult for them to understand the one, true God who claims to be the Truth, the Way and the Life, and tells us that we can have no other gods besides Him. Would you join me in praying for the Indian people and all who are celebrating Holi festival this year?
This event brings laughter, color and happiness to many, but like the American version of “Christmas spirit”, it fades and ultimately fails to provide lasting joy and true hope. And isn’t that what we all need in order to face this dark world every morning – lasting joy and true hope? And I know it to be true – that these things can only be found in the one, true, living God who sent His son Jesus to die so that we could live.
I was inspired to write this post by an email update that I received from my friends Seth & Kayla Murdoch, who just returned from a vision trip to their future home, Novi Sad, Serbia. I wanted to share with you their story that was so inspiring for me, and invite you to also pray for them and their team as they prepare to launch into full-time ministry in Novi Sad. I know that they would love to connect with you if you are interested in hearing more about the vision God has given them for Serbia! You can email them at kayla.murdoch@crmleaders.org 🙂 Here’s an excerpt from their most recent update that captures God’s heart for the peoples of this world beautifully:
“Midnight came and the city began to speak. Brilliant fireworks filled the sky and firecrackers filled the air. People took to the streets and made loud exclamations of joy. Novi Sad allowed itself to proclaim hope that night.
But, it was short-lived. For the next 10 days, we felt something much different than that night of the New Year. Under the surface. In the Darkness.
Shame. Fear. Division. Pride. Hopelessness.
These things weren’t just something observed. They were experienced. The enemy fed us lies. The same lies that Serbs have lived with their entire lives.
Here’s the thing though… we have Truth to proclaim over the lies. We have the Gospel.
But, they don’t.
Our hearts feel the weight of that.
We have the opportunity to live each moment like Serbs do on New Years Eve because of Jesus Christ.
We saw a glimpse of what God has for His children in Novi Sad and further, the Balkans, and the world on New Years. One day, we pray to see that proclamation of hope to no longer be in empty things, but rather, the Gospel.
This became our vision. But, you see, this was always God’s vision. We just get to be part of it.”
Thank you for letting me share my heart with you today, friends!
with love and wanderlust,